Laboratorio de Señal Celular Mediada por Lípidos (SeMeLi)


Publicaciones recientes:

-Vilchez AC, Peppino Margutti M, Reyna M, Wilke, N, Villasuso AL. (2021) “Recovery from chilling modulates the acyl-editing of phosphatidic acid molecular species in barley roots (Hordeum vulgare L.) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 167 (2021) 862-873.

-Peppino Margutti, M., Wilke, N., Villasuso, AL. (2020) “Influence of Ca2+ on the surface behavior of phosphatidic acid and its mixture with diacylglycerol pyrophosphate at different pHs. Chem Phys Lipids. 2020 May;228:104887. doi: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2020.104887. Epub 2020 Feb 3.

-Reyna M, Peppino Margutti M, Villasuso AL. (2019) “Lipid profiling of barley root in interaction with Fusarium macroconidia”. Environmental and Experimental Botany Volume 166, October 2019, 103788.

-Peppino Margutti M, Reyna M, Vilchez AC, Villasuso AL. (2019) “Lipid profiling shows tissue-specific differences in barley for glycerolipid composition in response to chilling” Environmental and Experimental Botany. 158:150-160.

-Peppino Margutti M, Reyna M, Villasuso AL. (2019) “Using fluorescent lipids contributes to the active learning of principles underlying lipid signalling" Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 47:100-105.

-Peppino Margutti M, Gaveglio MV, Reyna M, Pasquaré SJ, Racagni GE and Villasuso AL. (2018) “Differential phosphatidic acid metabolism in barley leaves and roots induced by chilling temperature. Plant Physiol Biochem. Nov;132:174-182. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2018.08.038. Epub 2018 Sep 1.

-Peppino Margutti M, Reyna M, Meringer MV, Racagni GE and Villasuso AL. (2017) “Lipid signalling mediated by PLD/PA modulates proline and H2O2 levels in barley seedling exposed to short-and long-term chilling stress”. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 113:149-160.

-Meringer MV, Villasuso AL, Peppino Margutti M, Usorach J, Pasquaré SJ, Giusto N, Machado E and Racagni (2016) “Saline and osmotic stresses stimulate PLD / diacylglycerol kinase activities and increase the level of phosphatidic acid and proline in barley roots” Environmental and Experimental Botany 128 (2016) 69-78.

-Astorquiza PL, Usorach J, Racagni G, Villasuso “Diacylglycerol pyrophosphate binds and inhibits the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in barley aleurone”. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2016 Jan 27;101:88-95.

-Villasuso AL, Wilke N, Maggio B, Machado E. “Zn2+ - dependent surface behavior of diacylglycerol pyrophosphate and its mixtures with phosphatidic acid at different pHs” Front Plant Sci. 2014 Jul 29;5:371.